The Cardiac Catheter Book

Diagnostic and Interventional Techniques
 Hardback (Thread Stitching)
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Hardback (Thread Stitching)
Harald Lapp
1474 g
275x202x27 mm

Prof. Dr. med. Harald Lapp ist Kardiologe und Chefarzt am Zentrum für Innere Medizin, Helios-Klinik Erfurt.

I Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization
1 Indications For Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterizations
2 Risks and Complications
3 Preparation for Cardiac Catheterization
4 The Laboratory
5 Interpretation of Findings
6 Contrast Media
7 Arterial and Venous Access
8 Coronary Angiography
9 Catheterization of the Cardiac Chambers
10 Aortography
11 Angiography of the Pulmonary Artery
12 Hemodynamics
13 Endomyocardial Biopsy
II Cardiac Catheterization in the Diagnostic Of Specific Diseases
14 Valvular Disease
15 Cardiomyopathies
16 Coronary Artery Disease
17 Pericardial Disease
18 Aortic Dissection
19 Congenital Heart Disease
20 Acute Pulmonary Embolism
21 Myocarditis
III The Interventional Cardiac Catheterization
22 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Coronary Stent Implantation
23 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute Coronary Syndrome
24 Cutting Balloon Angioplasty
25 Rotational Atherectomy
26 Laser Angioplasty
27 Thrombectomy and Protection Systems
28 Peri- and Postinterventional Antithrombotic Therapy for Coronary Interventions
29 Special Examination Techniques
30 Percutaneous Cardiac Support Systems
31 Heart Valve Interventions
32 Occlusion Of Septal Defects
33 Other Interventional Techniques
34 Percutaneous Retrieval of Foreign Bodies in the Cardiovascular System

The Cardiac Catheter Book: Diagnostic and Interventional Techniques

Loaded with tips, tricks, and expert solutions to everyday clinical problems, this book is a must for all specialists and trainees performing cardiac catheterizations. It covers basic principles, diagnostic strategies for specific diseases, and the newest interventional techniques, giving readers the tools to successfully manage all types of valvular and structural heart disease.

Special Features:

- Concisely reviews the basics of cardiac catheterization, with sections on indications, risks and complications, patient preparation, equipment and laboratory setup, contrast media, and interpretation of findings- Covers the full range of interventional catheter techniques, including percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), coronary stent implantation, rotational athetectomy, cutting balloon angioplasty, shunt closure, and much more- Examines current, evidence-based diagnostic approaches to such commonly seen conditions as valvular disease, cardiomyopathies, coronary artery disease, congenital heart disorders, pericardial disease, aortic dissection, and more- Describes key new interventions for structural heart disease, including transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), interventions for mitral regurgitation (Mitraclip), occlusion of the left atrial appendage (LAA-Occlusion), and renal nerve ablation for resistant arterial hypertension- Provides hundreds of illustrations, coronary angiograms, and radiographic images that clarify every concept- Demonstrates step-by-step approaches, case studies, and detailed angiographic sequences in nearly 400 helpful videos

From the fundamentals to the newest therapeutic advances, this book provides the core information needed by every practice performing diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterizations. It is essential for interventional cardiologists, cardiology fellows, and inte

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