Casts, Splints, and Support Bandages

Nonoperative Treatment and Perioperative Protection. Includes demonstration videos
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286x216x45 mm

Casts, Splints, and Support Bandages: Nonoperative Treatment and Perioperative Protection provides an extensive overview of the history, principles, methods, and techniques for applying a modern plaster or synthetic cast. The book comprises three sections:

The Principles of Casting section outlines the basic principles of casting and splinting, the physical properties of cast materials, and socioeconomic considerations
The Guidelines section explores nonoperative treatment for fractures, ligament, nerve, and soft-tissue injuries, overload injuries, and infections, in the upper and lower extremities and the spine
Finally, the Techniques section provides step-by-step descriptions on 55 individual cast, splint, orthosis, and bandaging techniques, presented in high quality online video, and as stills with explanatory captions.
AOTrauma is proud to bring you this incredibly important and comprehensive text, which will be of interest to a wide range of medical professionals including trauma and orthopedic surgeons, specialist cast technicians, rural doctors, residents in training, and ORP. It is the ideal resource for any busy hospital or orthopedic/trauma practice.

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