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Theorizing Emotions

Sociological Explorations and Applications
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Debra Hopkins
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Theorizing Emotions reflects the recent turn to emotions in academia—not just in sociology but also in psychology, evolutionary biology, and neuroscience. Drawing on the classic studies of Max Weber, Erving Goffman, Norbert Elias, and Theodor Adorno, several leading European scholars present their findings on the role of emotions in various facets of society, from the laboratory to the office to the media. Among the topics discussed are the tensions between feelings and feeling rules, the conscious and unconscious emotions of scientists, emotions and social disorder, the effect of the emotional turn as an element of advancing modernity, romantic love in U.S. and Israeli codes of conduct, and the role of mass media in generating massive public emotions.Emotionen sind das Thema der Stunde. Aktuelle soziologische Ansätze zielen auf ein neues Verständnis der Klassiker sowie auf das theoretisch fundierte Studium von Emotionen in Organisationen, der Wirtschaft, den Medien oder Sozialen Bewegungen. Die Beiträge korrigieren den Rationalismus der soziologischen Theoriebildung und belegen die Bedeutung von Gefühlen innerhalb der Gesellschaft.
ContentsPreface: Notes on the Sociology of Emotions in EuropeJochen Kleres 7Introduction: An Emotions Lens on the WorldArlie Russell Hochschild 29Consciousness, Emotions, and ScienceJack Barbalet 39Extreme Feelings and Feelings at ExtremesHelena Flam 73Sociology as Narrative: Examples of Sociological Languagein "Classic" TextsHelmut Kuzmics 95Hearts or Wombs? A Cultural Critique of Radical FeministCritiques of LoveEva Illouz and Eitan Wilf 121Mediatizing Traumas in the Risk Society: A Sociologyof Emotions ApproachNicolas Demertzis 143The Civilizing of Emotions: Formalization andInformalizationCas Wouters 169What Makes us Modern(s)? The Place of Emotionsin Contemporary SocietyPatrick Becker 195Shame and Conformity: The Deference-Emotion SystemThomas J. Scheff 221The "Neurosociology" of Emotion? Progress, Problemsand ProspectsSimon J. Williams 245Refugee Solidarity: Between National Shame and GlobalOutrageJames Goodman 269Just Being There: Buddies and the Emotionality ofVolunteerismJochen Kleres 291Mediated Parasocial Emotions and Community: HowMedia May Strengthen or Weaken Social CommunitiesKatrin Döveling 315Notes on Contributors 339

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