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Strategy Design Innovation

How to create business success using a systematic toolbox
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This workbook offers a new and systematic approach about how to engage and excel in the practice of Business Design Innovation.
STRATEGY DESIGN INNOVATION is a practical workbook for all those who want to set their entrepreneurial spirit free by"designing" and developinga "strategy" inseparably linked tocontinuous "innovation":founders, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, students, consultants, investors.Maybe you are looking for answers to questions like these…Are you striving to create orientation for your team?Do you feel a need to better understand the developments in your business environment?Are you challenged by innovative competitors?Do you need to find and develop advantages for your customers?Are you trying to engage and motivate people for your strategy?Are you looking for better ways to bring in the harvest for all your efforts?Would you like to create and implement a navigation system that leads your team towards business success?If you are looking for answers to questions like these…this book is for you!

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