Handbook of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Volume II
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Handbook of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Volume II

Phenotypic and Endophenotypic Presentations
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Michael S. Ritsner
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The Handbook of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Volume II illustrates new developments in conceptual models, research methodology, genetics and genomics, brain imaging and neurochemical studies in schizophrenia spectrum disorders.
A few disorders have some of the same symptoms as schizophrenia including schizoaffective disorders, schizophreniform disorder, schizotypal and schizoid personality disorders, delusional disorder, and autism (schizophrenia spectrum disorders). Since the 2000 there has been significant progress in our understanding of the early presentations, assessment, suspected neuropathology, and treatment of these disorders. Recent technological breakthroughs in basic sciences hold promise for advancing our understanding of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. This collective monograph reviewers recent researches regarding the origins, onset, course, and outcome of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. In particular, this book will be illustrate new developments in terms of conceptual models, and research methodology, genetics and genomics, brain imaging and neurochemical studies, neurophysiology and information processing in schizophrenia spectrum disorders patients. Also will be highlighted new developments in our understanding of the childhood psychosis, prodromal and first-episode states, in treatment and rehabilitation. Thus, the purpose of this book is to provide up-to-date overview of the rapid advances made in the clinical and basic science studies supporting our understanding of the relationship between cerebral processes and clinical, cognitive and other presentations of the schizophrenia spectrum disorders. In addition, this book aims to monitor important research developments, which may be relevant to treatment, and rehabilitation of patients.

Foreword. Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Insights from views across 100 years.- 1.Negative symptoms across the schizophrenia spectrum: Phenomenological and neurobiological perspectives. -2.Neurocognitive deficits, negative symptoms, and insight in schizophrenia. -3.Stress, dissociation and schizophrenia. -4.Understanding the role of emotion in psychosis: social anxiety disorder in first-episode psychosis. -5.Face perception in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: interface between cognitive and social cognitive functioning. -6.Neuroethology of schizophrenia. -7.Quality of life deficit is a core presentation of functional psychoses. -8.Early-onset schizophrenia. -9.Prediction and early detection of first-episode psychosis. -10.Schizophrenia spectrum disorders in relation to the totality of psychosis: from first episode to long-term outcome. -11.Course of schizophrenia: What has been learned from longitudinal studies? -12.Late-onset schizophrenia: epidemiology, clinical profile, prognosis, and treatment considerations. -13.Neurological and neuropsychological endophenotypes in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. -14.The association of metacognition with neurocognition and function in schizophrenia: Advances from the study of personal narratives. -15.The relationship of acute transient psychoses and schizophrenia. -16.Schizophrenia and depression - challenging the paradigm of two separate diseases. -17.Schizo-obsessive disorder. -18.Neurophysiology of cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia. -19.Schizophrenia spectrum disorders and risk for cancer morbidity and mortality. -Afterword. The future of the schizophrenia construct and acquisition of new knowledge.

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